
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christina Büsing studied Mathematics at the WWU Münster, the Universidad Comlutense de Madrid and the Technical University of Berlin. She did her dissertation under Prof. Möhring on the topic of Recoverable Robustness in Combinatorial Optimization. She then worked as a PostDoc in Aachen, Lancaster and Vienna.

From 2016 to 2021 Christina Büsing was a Junior Professor for Robust Planning in Medical Care at RWTH Aachen. Since 2021 she is Full Professor for Combinatorial Optimization at RWTH Aachen University. She leads the Teaching and Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, and her research interests include optimization under uncertainty, robust optimization, scenario generation, combinatorial optimization, complexity theory, optimality criteria and both exact and heuristic algorithms.

Christina Büsing has done applied research on energy and mobility, with a special emphasis on operational issues in healthcare.


  • Optimization under uncertainty, robust optimization, scenario generation
  • Combinatorial optimization, complexity, optimiality criteria
  • Exact algorithms, heuristics
  • Applications to healthcare, energy and transport


  • 2019 EURO Program Committee
  • Since 2018 UnRAVeL Graduate College
  • 2018 INOC Program Committee
  • 2017 ESA Program Committee
  • 2016 ÖGOR Dimploma Award Committee


  • 2022 RWTH Aachen Brigitte-Gilles-Award for contributions to the advancement of women in science
  • 2019 RWTH Aachen FAMOS-Award for excelling family-friendly leadership
  • 2018 RWTH Aachen university-wide Best Teaching Award
  • 2008 TU Berlin Best Diploma Excellence Award in Mathematics
  • 2003-2007 German National Scholarship (Cusanuswerk)


